How to choose the style and size of school bag?
First of all, prepare to choose which of shoulder bag, handbag, shoulder bag, dual-purpose messenger bag, backpack, waist bag, and chest bag. Then choose the specific details, such as the length of the bag strap, whether the pattern is suitable for you, whether the hardware of the bag is suitable for you, and so on. Then it’s time to choose the size of the bag. The size of the bag is very important. I don’t pay attention to the size of the bag. After I bought it, I realized that it was too big or too small, and some handbags were too long, which made it difficult to carry and return after buying. In fact, it is the upper width and lower width of the bag, the height from the bottom of the bag to the upper edge of the bag (bag height), the height of the handbag or long strap and the upper edge of the bag (hand raised), and the thickness of the bag.