Bag and character
People who choose more popular handbags have more popular personalities and follow the trend. The selected handbags are very characteristic, and people who are unforgettable generally have outstanding personalities, and have unconventional ideas about everything.
Those who prefer casual style handbags have a more easy-going attitude and will not be too demanding on themselves. Those who choose the style of briefcase illustrate the nature of the work of the owner of the bag from the side, and it also implies that most of them are more cautious.
I like handbags that are small and exquisite, but may not be practical. They are very light for many years and are easy to compromise and give in when they encounter setbacks. But if a more mature person is still keen on such a choice, it shows that this person has a positive and optimistic attitude towards life and full of good expectations.
There are also some people who like shoulder strap handbags. This kind of person is relatively independent in character, but the social circle is also relatively narrow. Those who like super large bags are mostly free and unrestrained, and may lack the necessary sense of responsibility. People who choose to have a lot of pockets and bags usually do things in a more regular and orderly manner, and will not easily do impulsive and confused things. Those who like metallic handbags have strong defensive qualities.